Thursday, December 12, 2013

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Holiday celebrations in Claudie's classroom - we all share, learn and enjoy


 My classes are always composed of wonderful people from all over the world - many different countries, different religions.

Over the years I have found a way to celebrate in December that brings us all together to learn and share.

I list the holidays that are on the Toronto District School Board list as being days of significance - and the students sign up for a holiday (sometimes in pairs, depends on the level and the numbers)  The proviso is that they cannot sign up for a holiday they celebrate themselves! (great confusion in the beginning about this!)

I then give them a worksheet with questions:  What is the holiday? When is it? Who celebrates it? What is the background to the holiday (history, origin, intent)? What special customs are associated with it, e.g. traditions, clothes)? Any special foods? Is fire or light a part of the holiday?

For the lower levels I usually provide readings from various sources (Holidays we celebrate? When's the next holiday? The internet. )For higher levels (last year, and this year) I have them find their own resources. (But I help them if they are having problems.)

They write up their findings and then we make a wall display (I like the linear one so that is what we will do this year.  I prepare a HUGE wallchart. Each "field" has its own size and colour.  Each student (or pair) gets a set of sized  papers.  They fill in the information, decorate if they like, and then we assemble them all together. )  Then we talk about the information.  Then we have a potluck!

For my classroom I have collected symbols from different religions and we put them up along with greenery and decorations with nature and toy themes...
It is pretty....

(Note - which holidays are included sometimes depends on the composition of the class.  For anyone wanting to do this I suggest checking with your school board, or management as they may have policies in place that would not tie in with this.)

Tutorial - How To Use the New Haiku Deck Web App

Tutorial - How To Use the New Haiku Deck Web App

Looks very clean and easy - especially good for picture prompts.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Book Review: The App Generation

Book Review: The App Generation

Teaching Rhetoric with Ethos, Logos, and Pathos

Teaching Rhetoric with Ethos, Logos, and Pathos

So here is an example of "online", edtech "teaching' tool for critical thinking...or is it?  Without interaction it is all about control of the material....and top down manipulation.  The idea is good for production? Intriguing and would appeal to someone who likes to create (storyboard that is) 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ms. Kuckelman's Corner

Ms. Kuckelman's Corner

Has given me the idea of "collecting" blogs on a separate blog...."Blogtopia"....something like that....

Dealing with the physical aspects of the classroom: prologue | Teach them English

Dealing with the physical aspects of the classroom: prologue | Teach them English

My classroom - undersized with  huge oversized unmovable, non collapsible tables...

A plan for the 2012-13 Academic year: Setting goals | Teach them English

A plan for the 2012-13 Academic year: Setting goals | Teach them English

Wish I had seen this in September...many points  echo my own resolutions to
1. Become more tech savvy (Part Two of the Ace Language Learning and Technology, finish Stage Four of LearnIT2teach)
2.Start giving workshops (e.g. Tutela webinar)
3. Simplify (working on this...)

oh, and - become an expert blogger...

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Learning with 'e's: Seven reasons teachers should blog

Learning with 'e's: Seven reasons teachers should blog

I blog for the moment....

5 Good Ideas for High Schools to Adapt from Elementary Schools | What's Not Wrong?

5 Good Ideas for High Schools to Adapt from Elementary Schools | What's Not Wrong?

Yes, yes, focus on literacy....reading and writing...ESL needs to do this too - even though it is so hard because our students often have negative feelings about this, don't have enough background, aren't literate in their first languages... but when the teacher also has a love of reading and writing and wants to share this...students can become "infected"....

Advent of Google means we must rethink our approach to education | Education | The Observer

Advent of Google means we must rethink our approach to education | Education | The Observer

Connected educators - but remember teached is still a tool...and learning how to live together can't come through the is with people....

Do We Really Need Connected Educators? | My Island View

Do We Really Need Connected Educators? | My Island View

YES - clear, lucid, convincing. 

Free Technology for Teachers: Alternatives to YouTube

Free Technology for Teachers: Alternatives to YouTube

Again, maybe I already posted this but I need some references so will do it again.

Free Technology for Teachers: Seven Alternatives to iGoogle

Free Technology for Teachers: Seven Alternatives to iGoogle

I never really used iGoogle - and it will disappear on Nov 1st - but here are some "alternatives"
(Richard Byrne)

10 Tips to Be a Great Online Teacher - EdTechReview™ (ETR)

10 Tips to Be a Great Online Teacher - EdTechReview™ (ETR)

I might have posted this before - but it is food for thought so here it is again.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Role of Technology in Advancement of Education - EdTechReview™ (ETR)

Role of Technology in Advancement of Education - EdTechReview™ (ETR)

Some predictions as to how technology will change education.

The Art of Curation: An Interview with Maria Popova from BrainPickings | The Nebo Blog: Interactive Marketing, Design & Ramblings. Brought to you by Nebo Agency

The Art of Curation: An Interview with Maria Popova from BrainPickings | The Nebo Blog: Interactive Marketing, Design & Ramblings. Brought to you by Nebo Agency

Maria Popova - I follow her on and off - always stimulating... NEBO (Assyrian god of wisdom) - another blog..

Pinterest Scavenger Hunt PD Party | Connected Educators

Pinterest Scavenger Hunt PD Party | Connected Educators

October 17th....interresting how PINTEREST is entering mainstream use...collaborative learning.

October is US Connected educators month.

Awesome Graphic on The Day of A Connected Educator ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Awesome Graphic on The Day of A Connected Educator ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Not sure if this is inspiring - or exhausting...whether it is an awesome way to teach - or much ado about nothing...What do you think?

This is How our Body Language Shapes Who We Are ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

This is How our Body Language Shapes Who We Are ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

3-D - amazing that this is accessible 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Nets Standards

Nets Standards

ISTE products, standards for edtech for students, educators etc. Making online learning real?

Higher education in 2020: three key forecasts from new report | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional

Higher education in 2020: three key forecasts from new report | Higher Education Network | Guardian Professional

Premise is that people will drive the changes - not technology.  Interesting description of TNE, MOOC
Conclusion - higher education will become less "bundled" in one institution, the traditional elite universities will loose ground, students will be able to  chose courses from different learning institutions, "free" education will wane - certificates.degrees will be awarded to paying students...

Online Videos Do Not Equal Learning | Learning Outside the LinesLearning Outside the Lines

Online Videos Do Not Equal Learning | Learning Outside the LinesLearning Outside the Lines

simple description of the elements necessary in an online course - video on its own is not enough...

Free Technology for Teachers: Collaboratively Create Multimedia Documents With Lucidpress

Free Technology for Teachers: Collaboratively Create Multimedia Documents With Lucidpress

Like Googledocs but has more choice of layouts...

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

An Obituary For Student Desks - Edudemic - Edudemic

An Obituary For Student Desks - Edudemic - Edudemic

yes, yes, tables on wheels....(for adults, not going to suggest beanbags...) But I taught in a classroom that had these thin tables that could be moved around sooo easily - desklike, then groups, then dining family style....

What Online Tools Work for Teaching Language Arts? | MindShift

What Online Tools Work for Teaching Language Arts? | MindShift

collaborative learning, etc...but the jury is still out....

Second Life Education - Second Life Wiki

Second Life Education - Second Life Wiki

Everything you wanted to know about second Life but were afraid to ask....???

How To Use Augmented Reality In Education - Edudemic - Edudemic

How To Use Augmented Reality In Education - Edudemic - Edudemic

Here we glass, Augmented reality (Second Life =) in education (there is a link...)hmm

Free Technology for Teachers: Quickly Compare Two or More Things in Wolfram Alpha

Free Technology for Teachers: Quickly Compare Two or More Things in Wolfram Alpha

Good for student research.....

Online Videos Do Not Equal Learning | Learning Outside the LinesLearning Outside the Lines

Online Videos Do Not Equal Learning | Learning Outside the LinesLearning Outside the Lines

another interesting article - short, not very deep but has some interesting points - as title suggests

Enabling Online Learning—Much More than iPads in the Classroom | Learning Outside the LinesLearning Outside the Lines

Enabling Online Learning—Much More than iPads in the Classroom | Learning Outside the LinesLearning Outside the Lines
Comprehensive overview...interesting

Saturday, September 28, 2013

The STEM Crisis Is a Myth - IEEE Spectrum

The STEM Crisis Is a Myth - IEEE Spectrum

Article which claims that it is a myth that there are not enough graduate inScience, Technology....research is showing that recent science graduates are having trouble finding jobs - even in the IT sector....

Sharing great education app for All Tablet Platforms | LinkedIn

Sharing great education app for All Tablet Platforms | LinkedIn

Comments are interesting as educators discuss what apps work with what tablets and talk about the future...
All over my head as I do not have an iPad - never mind tablets for the students...I guess it needs to go on the wishlist (for me, that is)

Not Your Father's Classroom: The Rise of Edtech | Betsy Corcoran

Not Your Father's Classroom: The Rise of Edtech | Betsy Corcoran

Well, the big question....does it work?..Edtech still in its infancy - but we are lucky to be around to see it grow
and develop. It will not replace teachers....but it will give us tools.

Article is all a bit self-evident...

▶ McGurk Effect - YouTube

▶ McGurk Effect - YouTube

Yes, be careful when your senses conflict with each other.... we are all to a certain degree lip readers..
Thanks to the TUTELA webinar from today for the "McGurk Effect...

▶ What American English Sounds like to Foreigners - YouTube

▶ What American English Sounds like to Foreigners - YouTube

OK this is a is gibberish - but it really sounds like "American English"....Please DON'T try to understand it!!!  But it is good sometimes to put yourself in the student's shoes and imagine that this is what they hear when we begin to speak......

Also MAJOR McGurk effect!!!

▶ Call Me Maybe - 2012 USA Olympic Swimming Team - YouTube

▶ Call Me Maybe - 2012 USA Olympic Swimming Team - YouTube

IELTS vocabulary: connecting phrases - contrastDominic Cole's IELTS and Beyond

IELTS vocabulary: connecting phrases - contrastDominic Cole's IELTS and Beyond

Another good ESL/EFL blog - useful.  Lots of lessons, posters, etc.

Found this on Joanne's Facebook where she posts mainly ESL information and shares with students - I must ask her how she does it and whether it works

Not One-Off Britishisms | 'Ginger,' 'Bits,' 'Whinge,' and other U.K. expressions that have got popular in the U.S.

Not One-Off Britishisms | 'Ginger,' 'Bits,' 'Whinge,' and other U.K. expressions that have got popular in the U.S.

From NOOBs - Ben Yagoda's blog about AE/BE...very fun indeed....

mELTing Activities, Lessons and Ideas: Cheating in your class (WRITING)

mELTing Activities, Lessons and Ideas: Cheating in your class (WRITING)

Carissa Peck - example of a good and active blogger....



Book supported by the Gates Foundation about assessment of higher skills than content recall..."stealth" assessment - assessment is built into the games to assess at certain points whether the user is performing using creativity, persistence, etc...

10 Tips for Teachers Using Evernote - Education Series | Evernote Blog Evernote Blog

10 Tips for Teachers Using Evernote - Education Series | Evernote Blog Evernote Blog

Evernote uses - one of them is keeping a portfolio...think I might explore this...



edunews - a "reader's digest" of news stories curated in one place from 25 top sources (like Commentopia!) (my brother's site, reader's comments)

How do students learn in 2013? | Online Cultus |

How do students learn in 2013? | Online Cultus |

infographic...not much new information, references, but clearly relevant for some parts of the world.

Gamification Study by MIT - next big thing or next big hype? | LinkedIn

Gamification Study by MIT - next big thing or next big hype? | LinkedIn

As usual the comments are interesting. Gamification as a tool for education is discussed - high % of young learners come to gamification in education with experience - digital immigrants (educators) don't. The high % of "digital natives" only holds true in parts of the world where there is advanced technology - so what to do about
areas where it does nt?Will follow the thread...

Monday, September 23, 2013

Hacking Hot Potatoes: The Cookbook

Hacking Hot Potatoes: The Cookbook

Not very expensive, could be useful...

CALL and IT skills play growing role in administrator hiring decisions » LearnIT2Teach

CALL and IT skills play growing role in administrator hiring decisions » LearnIT2Teach

LearnIT2teach evaluation team. survey...

6 Types of Blended Learning | Fluency21 – Committed Sardine Blog

6 Types of Blended Learning | Fluency21 – Committed Sardine Blog

"Disruptive" technology...interesting predictions...wonder if they will come about...

▶ Can Technology Change Education? Yes!: Raj Dhingra at TEDxBend - YouTube

▶ Can Technology Change Education? Yes!: Raj Dhingra at TEDxBend - YouTube

A bit superficial....but the general idea is out there...make learning better for our children (doesn't anwer how, suggests more technology, lots of warm fuzzy statements, a couple of "good' parojects - doesn't mean the revolution is here..)

Best Twitter Practices | Social Media Today

Best Twitter Practices | Social Media Today

Some  basic tips

Monday, September 2, 2013

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Flickr: The Commons

Flickr: The Commons

morgueFile free photos

morgueFile free photos

everystockphoto - searching free photos

everystockphoto - searching free photos

Pixabay - Free Images

Pixabay - Free Images

Outlook -

Outlook -

Shine on the web |

Shine on the web |

Project-Based Learning | Common Core Standards | Learnist

Project-Based Learning | Common Core Standards | Learnist

21st Century Icebreakers: 13 Ways To Get To Know Your Students with Technology | TeachBytes

21st Century Icebreakers: 13 Ways To Get To Know Your Students with Technology | TeachBytes

Edcanvas | The best way to teach with digital content

Edcanvas | The best way to teach with digital content

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

Sunday, March 3, 2013



This is a report on the efficacy of  apps for kids - I learned a new expression "the app gap"

.Primarily a report on whether apps can help the literacy rate increase - and which ones are useful - 
Conclusion - there is a need to align early literacy and technological practices....policy makers need to support sound research on how technology content and context are affecting reading developments.....
One of the "good" apps is Wonderopolis....(I think Marla recommended it - anyway I bookmarked it!) thinking it would be helpful for ESL...

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Course is over...summing up - I have come far and got what I wanted - I am much more knowledgeable about what is there - and I have a little facility in using tools. I need to do some reflection and let it all sink in...going to pickup and finish the learnIT2teach Stage Four and will mull over whether to do Part Two of the Ace course. I'll have to see the course abstract....Here's my course feedback to ACE The ACE Certificate in Language Teaching and Technology – Part One Please rate your satisfaction with the following sections and aspects of the course, with a 1 being dissatisfied, a 3 being satisfied and a 5 being very satisfied. Please put any comments about a specific section or aspect directly underneath your rating. Dissatisfied Satisfied Highly Satisfied 1. Orientation (Section 1.0) 1 2 3 4 5 Frankly – a distant memory! I think it was a good “hands on” introduction”. Funny how I sweated over the drop box – ha! A piece of cake now. 2. Language Education and Technology (Section 2.0) 1 2 3 4 5 This was a very important part of the course although I was in shock at first as I dealt with it. It put demands on me intellectually – and I am the better informed for it, and the more confident in my own ability to learn (again). (An unexpected secondary gain!) I have a much better understanding of some of the issues regarding language learning and technology and am more prepared to follow and be part of the unfolding debate about using technology for language learning. 3. Technology Tools (Section 3.0) 1 2 3 4 5 Well, cool, very cool!!! I think there was a good choice of what tools to show us. It was an introduction, but a hands on introduction that really developed a level of comfort (for a beginner) with what is available. AND on Sunday I was able to show my son, the computer programmer, a tool that he had not seen (Screenr. Hehehehe) I didn't love Blackboard – the Powerpoint stuff and the back and forth – but I got used to it. 4. Overall satisfaction with the course 1 2 3 4 5 Very, very grateful. Thank you. 6. Overall satisfaction with the course materials 1 2 3 4 5 Computers are tricky little blighters and some of the links not opening was maddening – but I think that under the circumstances this is to be expected and they were generally fixed pretty quickly (or I worked a way around them) The content – very satisfied – I can't believe how much I learned and how far I have come. Good choice of articles, links and videos. All interesting and relevant – challenging – jusst a little, but not beyond my comfort zone. beyond the 7. Overall satisfaction with the instructor 1 2 3 4 5 Sheri was incredibly unflappable and steady and steadying - and I appreciated all her guidance and comments. It was a pleasure having her as an instructor. Many thanks. Any other comments? This was an amazing experience. The course really put tools into my hands that have taken me from the realm of digital illegal alien to digital new immigrant.....(my children being digital natives)

Friday, February 22, 2013



Via Marla ...sweet...what a wonderful world for educators to share - must be so exciting...

I'm procrastinating as I need to get down to writing and doing the last three modules before midnight tonight..and it is now 2.25 a.m......but it is all on track...ideas have been fulminating, I know this is THE BIG MOMENT when it all needs to come together...(well, Computer room is not) but the final module will be the sum up for me... back to the clickclick tiktik..

Envisioning Computer Labs as Collaborative Learning Environments (Pilot Program/Emerging Technology) |

Envisioning Computer Labs as Collaborative Learning Environments (Pilot Program/Emerging Technology) |

I'm glad I took the time to watch this - trends in computer lab provision/design".  Although it talks about university settings it made me think about some aspects of teched and ESL

1. What is the impact of our learning spaces on learning outcomes (especially the computer lab.)(Ours -  uncomfortable, no teacher station, no whiteboards (interactive that is. There is a regular whiteboard but to get to it I would have to climb over a row of computers.)  What would be optimum  layout, tools.  How do you get management to consult with teachers (never mind students) about what is needed for the computer room?
2.How do you balance the students attitude toward computers - a). Computers are for quiet concentrated learning b). Computers are for collaborative sharing teamwork.
3.We should be collecting data as to how the computers are being used in ESL/LINC (government money - is there ROI?) AND how do we measure the impact - outcomes? are ESL instructors in a position to teach digital literacy, computer training? If not - who should be doing this?

wow - I thought this would be really straightforward, rather boring element - turned out to be really thoughtprovoking...

Open source software |

Open source software |

All roads lead to Classroom Management....just starting the last module (although I haven't finished  Computer Labs and am leaving VIDEO till last in case it goggles up too much time)

Matt has given me some thoughts (framework) as to how I would set up my MLS... thinking, thinking...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Miss Prism's Classroom - Home

Miss Prism's Classroom - Home


Open source software |

Open source software |

Another poster from ESLInternational

Webinars: Making a website with your class

 ELT training - free webinars but also "paid for " courses.... This webinar about using weebly (haven't checkd it out yet - came through one of the groups I follow - noticed she is using Moodle...

Webinars: Making a website with your class

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bookr - "Seasons" by Claudieg

It seems that most of the other TESLOntario students have finished the course.  I am trying not to panic again.

 I think I am a couple of marks away from reaching the minimum of 70% - have 5 modules to finish and post - but I have been working and reflecting on them and the writing should go fast. I will leave videos till last as I am sure that will be the most challenging. I have done the reading for Publisher produced Technology tools - just have to bring it together.

I will use this last week - we were given it after all - to keep working slowly and methodically and make the most of this opportunity I have been given to learn.

The biggest problem I am having is dealing with the excitement at each new tool...who knew what was out there!!!!

Vocabulary Class: esl, esol, vocabulary | Glogster EDU - 21st century multimedia tool for educators, teachers and students

Vocabulary Class: esl, esol, vocabulary | Glogster EDU - 21st century multimedia tool for educators, teachers and students


Screenr - whistlepunch: Part one of using Bookr

Screenr - whistlepunch: Part one of using Bookr

 Brrrr (can't use cool again...)

hmm, short how to videos by whistlepunch...

Monday, February 18, 2013

Pronunciation: what, why, when and how? (an #eltchat summary) « Sandy Millin

Pronunciation: what, why, when and how? (an #eltchat summary) « Sandy Millin

need to send this to Monica..

How to train students to use technology appropriately (an #eltchat summary) « Sandy Millin

How to train students to use technology appropriately (an #eltchat summary) « Sandy Millin

Disegni della natura - Funghi - a gallery on Flickr

Disegni della natura - Funghi - a gallery on Flickr

 Cooler and cooler....making a gallery on Flickr

Free Photos - Free Images - Royalty Free Photos - Free Stock Photos -

Free Photos - Free Images - Royalty Free Photos - Free Stock Photos -

Photo Pin : Free Photos for Bloggers via Creative Commons

Photo Pin : Free Photos for Bloggers via Creative Commons

3.9  IMAGES...
I have been looking forward to this for weeks....

yesterday was a huge challenge....Audio.  My son gave me a wonderful iPod a couple of years ago and I couldn't work out how to use it so my daughter "borrowed' it.  I wonder if I could get it back now.

I feel like a member of a primitive tribe who has just stumbled into the 21st Century....

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Talkgroup » ACE Language Teaching and Technology

Talkgroup » ACE Language Teaching and Technology

My Voicethread. - another milestone... achievement!

Took me all day to workout how to do a voicethread - but I did it!  No glitches, just panic.

Great feature - looking forward to using it...

Now on to VOXOPOP

How U.S. And Chinese Classrooms Use Education Technology

How U.S. And Chinese Classrooms Use Education Technology

I'd like to see what the results for Canada would be...

English Grammar Reference and Exercises

English Grammar Reference and Exercises

I could have put this into the mind map (had I know about it yesterday!!!0 I put  www. cbc/ottawa/esl   - which is still a great resource for introducing students to the fact that they can do some independent learning online...and it is Canadian content.

This one is much more developed...have to check it out - it was placed on scoop

Videos - Creative Commons

Videos - Creative Commons

Building on the past.....(name of one of the videos...)

Wikimedia Commons

Wikimedia Commons

Ever so cool...and it is Commons...

7 Things You Should Know About... Learning Technology Topics |

7 Things You Should Know About... Learning Technology Topics |

EDUCAUSE......I'm glad I was introduced to this resource through the course... I will pass it on through TUTELA.  Thanks.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

45 minutes this morning on the line to India to discuss the corrupted file that was preventing me from opening my e-mail and the day went into the Internet  toilet from there.

 So many frustrations with links and BAD passwords (in RED, on the login. BAD PASSWORD!!!!! FOR SHAME.  Not mine - on the Blackboard course link But took about two hours to get sorted out with Sheri.) )  Around 10.00a.m. I blogged  that I was getting into Collaboration Tools - it is now 6.44 and I still haven't finished the tasks for 3.8 (Collaborations tools.)  3.8, but the handouts say 3.9.  Handout says "Add at least two nodes..", but the site says "Add one idea..." What's a girl to do???....glitches, inaccuracies, confusions,  a ton of new concepts and tools and ideas to absorb....I could scream.

I was getting dispirited and angry and then I opened a link (still in 3.8)  that said "Social Bookmarking" and it was about "Social Networking" and the absurdity of expecting perfection and instant response and that things would work on the computer hit me and I started laughing - which is where I am now.

All I can think about is that if the experts who have been dong this for years can't get it all right - what am I going to do?  I am rather enjoying being in the position of student and experiencing these frustrations - as I foresee  how I am going to feel when the small small issues become critical and my frustrated students are the ones sending me multiple whining e-mails....

So, OK, that's it!!  I am gong to be very careful about promoting computer use in our ESL environment.  If I do use it - it will be at the simplest level - and at the slowest pace - and I am again taking pressure off myself that this is what I HAVE to do.  I don't have to do anything.

Today was another eyeopener as I read about concept mapping, and simultaneous editing, and bookmarking - social and otherwise...
Here's my introductory paragraph to TASK THREE of 3.8..  I think it is funny....(but a bit sad...)

"How did I record or save web addresses until about five days ago? Hahahahaha! I saved them in Open Office “Bookmarks” or “Favourites” when I used Internet Explorer. Once or twice I trolled all the way up and down a list looking for “Great Crab Cake Recipes” or “How to Fix the Toilet”. For the most part they skulked behind the button.. and then they drifted off into the etherworld."

I created a wall through wallwisher

I did!  I wanted to embed it here but did not know how.  Copied and pasted code...then lost it...

I don't have time to look for it now...

Working full steam to get the modules done before end of week.  At 3.8 - Collaboration tools - very interesting and very new to me. Heard of "Bubblicious" (some kind of chewing gum??) Well, going there now.

I tried to open the ACE sample wall but it would not open...???

Well, just have to keep on trying to work it out...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

25 Things Successful Educators Do Differently

25 Things Successful Educators Do Differently

 Haven't blogged for a few days - been so busy - field trip, Valentine's Day, prep for Flag Day and Family day...and trying to get the modules done...have done a lot of the prep work, now reflecting, will get down to it all soonest...just my style I guess. I can't read something and then just answer immediately (well, some I can, but not the material that is either new to me or needs thought)  Came across this (was in the TESLOntario newsbrief..

clean, concise,  all common sense - but we need reminding at times. Keep it simple....

Monday, February 11, 2013

After this course - ongoing PD? - English Village Online - much of what we have done in our course

Electronic Village Online / Call_for_Participation2013

Briar J had sent me this - To be honest it looked too complicated. Now that I know more about the tech tools I would be able to participate...(it says it was for "false beginners" - I was a real beginner) ...maybe good for ongoing PD

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Snapchat, a Growing App, Lets You See It, Then You Don’t -

Snapchat, a Growing App, Lets You See It, Then You Don’t -

There is a growing realisation that all this "sharemageddon" is generating tons of "cyberwaste'...and every click cost electricity...gotta be a problem there...

BROWSERS  - what are they?

Stay tuned.....

Social Bookmarking - solution to my previous question

How to remember and organise all my "bookmarks"?  Just as I was getting concerned about not remembering what I had posted or bookmarked - along came "Social Bookmarking" - and I discovered  Delicious and Diigo...

Here's a blog about teaching English to Italians that makes me smile...and informs me

Teaching English to Italians

 I read this for the Conditional - and stayed for the fun...

Friday, February 8, 2013

tifle2007 - home

tifle2007 - home

Interesting article about wikis and wikispaces - e.g. of setting one up.

100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media In the Classroom - Online

100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media In the Classroom - Online

It is beginning to be difficult to remember what I shared already . I guess one has to have some kind of app for this... or place where it is the address book idea for passwords....

97% Overall Satisfaction Rate by Parents of Helen Doron Early English Students in Germany

97% Overall Satisfaction Rate by Parents of Helen Doron Early English Students in Germany

I do not know much about this method - but agree that a warm nurturing environment encourages language learning - something to remember when we are delivering LINC and ESL programs - and something that seems to be absent in the theoretical underpinnings of the  formulistic, checklist, benchmark approach...

Why The English Language Rules The World - No Really, Why? - All News Is Global |

Why The English Language Rules The World - No Really, Why? - All News Is Global |

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Live Instructor/Teacher - better for some tasks than online, asynchronous

I discovered that online learning asynchronous  has a huge downside for me when it comes to learning technical knowledge.

  I was very frustrated by the wordprocessing and formatting task.  I longed for those far off days when I sat at the typewriter (not electric) and Miss Whateverhernamewas explained the activity - and off we went - and she hovered over us and was there to help us through the knotty parts. If I needed some quick help I could ask the student next to me.

 Trying to find answers online was infuriating - and a terrible waste of time.  I spent over six hours on that dratted activity - I do know how to wordprocess, frame, insert. I thought it would be so easy - then I met with all kinds of small bugs and fell apart.

I do not feel I am in a "class".  Although we have had some contact here and there I do not want to bother the others, or the instructor, with all the small issues so I struggled and struggled.  If there had been someone next to me to ask I'm sure the issues would have been cleared up in minutes.  All the "videos" and "tutorials" and pages and posts were no substitute for a quick hands on demonstration.

(And yes, I am only now starting Module 3.4)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Browsers - history and features - much to learn

I thought I could write the Broswer and Reader task in about half an hour.  It took me several hours as I realised that I really did not know much about browsers.  Well, I am a little more educated (and know where to go to get more information when I need it.)  Again, glad I took the time.  I enjoyed learning about the history of browsers (well, the Internet in general)  I am a bit more informed now (Netscape - Navigator - Internet Explorer - Opera (small) - Mozilla Forfire (open source) - Apple Safari - Google Chroma.  Before this they were just words to me and I truly did not know what they were.  Catching up.

I am trying not to worry about where everyone else is...there is pressure but I know that it is important for me to be thorough.

I just created a "blog for work" commitment to fostering a love for learning and teaching English as a Second (or Third, or Fourth!) language...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Progress Check

1. Pressure slightly off - a week extension. I can see where I am going.
2.  Feeling more relaxed now 2.3 task has been handed in. I took a long time doing background reading and even longer cutting down to 250 words...No regrets.
3.  The browser writing - I'll get to it. I understand browsers.  Created iGoogle start page (Personally I  wouldn't use it, I like a clean uncluttered desktop to start the day with - with just my e-mail and Google shortcut - oh, and about a hundred folders...)  But I enjoyed creating it - customising the background and learning about the READER...iGoogle is being discontinued anyway...Screenshot was new to me (but not to my daughter who told me it was very useful in her work..)  Google+ becomoing  more familiar. Removed Gizmodo (200 posts a day.....)
4.  Survey Monkey - cool.  Only one of the question check boxes did not configure the way I wanted it to. I need to check why. My Survey Question  "How adventurous are language teachers" (Just For Fun...)  .
5.  Jumped ahead to read through the modules...a couple of decisions:  Create a new blog, strictly for work use, no "Dear Diary" entries - which is what this has been..(but for a purpose - reflective journal) .I get the difference between a "family and friends" blog, and one for class/school use.  Ditto for my Twitter account (love Twitter - I am  #thespreadingoak)  Don't think the fact that I follow Wine Harlots is appropriate information for school/work...

Well, settling down.  Really busy at school..end of month reports, evaluations, Benchmarks...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Personalize Learning: Home - Something to think about..

Personalize Learning: Home: What does it mean to Make Learning Personal? The term "Personalized Learning" is very controversial and confusing. We created this site ...

This was from a thread I followed on the e-Learning 2.0 group  about the need for a human element in online learning.

It interested me because of the content - and also because of the business/commercial aspect and the way it was advertised (graphics, content)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

iGoogle Start page and Reader

TASK 3.1 Gallia Graner - iGoogle and Reader Screenshot.jpg
This is a screenshot of my iGoogle page....another footstep!


plagiarism, Jaron Lanier, the contradiction of trying to fast track this course

I tell my students they need time and practice to master much more do I for edtech and CALL..

I am doing the learnIT2teach Stage Four concurrently with this course. Rather on an impulse I decided to do this course because I did not feel confident about my basic computer skills and knowledge and I felt this would help me.  LearnIT2teach is not "time" based - so I have put it on the back burner although I am ruminating all the time about my "Work Plan/course development.  Not a bad thing..
(I self fast tracked the first three stages in under two months)

How absurd of me to try to race through this course, to just "skim it".  That is not what I need. 

So although it may turn out to be more costly than I planned (may not get the PTCT subsidy) I am going to take the pressure off myself and  go at my own pace. Allowing students to go at their own pace is one of the "selling points" of e-learning....
(in point of fact I will probably match the fast track - I tend to start slow, then speed up...but it is not going to be an issue for me right now..)

I am going to try be more efficient with time use (no more quadruple clicks...) This was one of my goals.  I do find I am faster at finding things and am much more familiar with Google now.  Blogging is a breeze...  

I did a lot of research on Topic three...and do not regret it.  Well, maybe it was foolish to spend over an hour on Jaron Lanier's CALARTS presentation, but I was fascinated watching him rip into Web 2.0.  I have posted it, and a shorter video and the Smithsonian article.  I also did this to practice ADDing to Blogger....

Well, ballet today, and I see from my (NEW)  igoogle page "To Do" list I still have to do the laundry....  

Silicon Valley Visionary Jaron Lanier Speaks at CalArts

Jaron Lanier talks about the failure of Web2.0 with Aleks Krotoski

What Turned Jaron Lanier Against the Web? | Ideas & Innovations | Smithsonian Magazine

What Turned Jaron Lanier Against the Web? | Ideas & Innovations | Smithsonian Magazine

The Current State Of Plagiarism In Education

The Current State Of Plagiarism In Education

Saturday, January 26, 2013

I have put off completing writing the copyright "discussion" - I'm trying to crystallize thoughts from all that reading to answer the "discuss understanding of copyright as it applies"   etc 250 wrods.  I suppose this is necessary to include in a university course,  fulfils the  "academic" "theoretical underpinning" content but I question whether it wouldn't be better to focus on the technology (which is what I came for)

The technical stuff is frustrating.  I am trying to keep it simple - but am overwhelmed by the amount of  descriptions...

RSS feeds (really stupid stuff?) - well, back I go to see what I can do. My igoogle page is a mess - too much stuff..


Friday, January 25, 2013

After I saw Marla's blog and Paul's blog I experimented with "Design".   My very first "blog" design was straightforward but very monochromatic and the blogs melted into each other and adding the colour made them difficult to read.  I am leaving them there just to remind myself to use the highlighting carefully.

...the background picture (The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music?) is quite pretty.  I guess if I were designing a blog for the class I might add a more appropriate/related picture - I was wondering if I could scan and put my own photos in the background...

I should probably be working on TASK 3.1 (can't do TASK 2...because I can't open that jumped ahead...)  but I am tired and this is more interesting...

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Greg Kessler interview (short) TESOL 2012

Greg Kessler interview - TESOL 2012

Well, interesting to come across this short interview - doesn't tell me much more than I read in the required resding...abut interesting to see photo of him and hear his voice...

Write about what?: The limits of e-learning

Write about what?: The limits of e-learning:         W ith the glut of information offered on the internet, included free on-line courses from prestigious universities like Harvard a...

Write about what?: The price of information

Write about what?: The price of information:       H umankind's love affair with technology is not a new development. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the  advances in indu...

Monday, January 21, 2013

LINK the blogs, post a useful link

Classmates blog links     Paul

.         Neli

I posted a "useful link" in my previous blog post but I'm happy to post another

 National Repository for ESL/LINC materials and resources and online community

The reason I posted this is that for LINC and ESL instructors trying to make the transition to blended teaching the "CLB" material that is already available might make some of the "choice" easier - especially in the beginning when creating online tasks and activities. People are already adding to the "repetoire" so it is not just the usual "CLB" binders. There are interesting  (but polite) discussions about some touchy issues in ESL/LINC. It is also a "work in progress".. I have already enjoyed  "meeting" other ESL professionals from Winnipeg, B.C., attended a "webinar" and have been active in the discussion forum...and I hope it grows and develops...If you are involved in LINC - it is probably a useful site.service to know about (CIC funded...)

(I'm talking about the activities/materials that I can see we will be expected to include...not that are necessarily the most interesting...)

This is a picture of my classroom - ready for holiday celebrations....I have since changed the layout.
Brought the tables together for more "communicative" teaching.....the tables are "tables from hell" - were
a mistake - someone checked the wrong box but we could not return them as they had been custom  made..same issues in other classes, but my room is the smallest.  Well, I've taught under worse conditions!


like Michelle Obama's choice, not stuffy or predictable...sassy but understated....
Anyone see it? Care?.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Moving right along.  I spent a long time reading 2.1 and doing the tasks - and still do not know how to upload them to assignments.  I posted a question in the discussion area yesterday but it has not been answered yet (less than 24 hours, weekend, OK. 

I'm just playing with the colours to see what happens - cool.

I am now going to link (I hope) to a great resource - 40 WEB tools - I especially like it because it has suggestions as to how these can be used by teachers.  Here goes  


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Nostalgic for the typewriter

I'm overwhelmed. The first two readings were difficult to get through. I tried to keep the task in mind (similar and different barriers to the use of CALL, agree/diasagree, why.why not) (I haven't written it yet so I am trying to organise my thoughts)  The history  in the Lee article was very interesting - and new to me - but the article was written pre-iPhone, pre-tablets........The second article was easier (also the language, less opinion..) and I enjoyed it.  So, I came here to see if I could link to the course Blog using the Link instead of copy and paste...

Well, I couldn't, so I quess I had better just copy and paste.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Wobbly first steps....but it is here

A blog. My own blog. Gosh. Excited. May seem trivial to some - but BIG achievement for me - the course hasn't even started and I have already learned something I have wanted to know but didn't know where to start....Couldn't resist...let's see if I can add an image...yup, there it is (visiting my daughter in NYC).

Next step - need to link it to the course blog. COURSE BLOG??? Where's that? OK, calm down, one step at a I go down cyber lane....ttyl8tr.
