Sunday, January 27, 2013

plagiarism, Jaron Lanier, the contradiction of trying to fast track this course

I tell my students they need time and practice to master much more do I for edtech and CALL..

I am doing the learnIT2teach Stage Four concurrently with this course. Rather on an impulse I decided to do this course because I did not feel confident about my basic computer skills and knowledge and I felt this would help me.  LearnIT2teach is not "time" based - so I have put it on the back burner although I am ruminating all the time about my "Work Plan/course development.  Not a bad thing..
(I self fast tracked the first three stages in under two months)

How absurd of me to try to race through this course, to just "skim it".  That is not what I need. 

So although it may turn out to be more costly than I planned (may not get the PTCT subsidy) I am going to take the pressure off myself and  go at my own pace. Allowing students to go at their own pace is one of the "selling points" of e-learning....
(in point of fact I will probably match the fast track - I tend to start slow, then speed up...but it is not going to be an issue for me right now..)

I am going to try be more efficient with time use (no more quadruple clicks...) This was one of my goals.  I do find I am faster at finding things and am much more familiar with Google now.  Blogging is a breeze...  

I did a lot of research on Topic three...and do not regret it.  Well, maybe it was foolish to spend over an hour on Jaron Lanier's CALARTS presentation, but I was fascinated watching him rip into Web 2.0.  I have posted it, and a shorter video and the Smithsonian article.  I also did this to practice ADDing to Blogger....

Well, ballet today, and I see from my (NEW)  igoogle page "To Do" list I still have to do the laundry....  

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