Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Progress Check

1. Pressure slightly off - a week extension. I can see where I am going.
2.  Feeling more relaxed now 2.3 task has been handed in. I took a long time doing background reading and even longer cutting down to 250 words...No regrets.
3.  The browser writing - I'll get to it. I understand browsers.  Created iGoogle start page (Personally I  wouldn't use it, I like a clean uncluttered desktop to start the day with - with just my e-mail and Google shortcut - oh, and about a hundred folders...)  But I enjoyed creating it - customising the background and learning about the READER...iGoogle is being discontinued anyway...Screenshot was new to me (but not to my daughter who told me it was very useful in her work..)  Google+ becomoing  more familiar. Removed Gizmodo (200 posts a day.....)
4.  Survey Monkey - cool.  Only one of the question check boxes did not configure the way I wanted it to. I need to check why. My Survey Question  "How adventurous are language teachers" (Just For Fun...)  .
5.  Jumped ahead to read through the modules...a couple of decisions:  Create a new blog, strictly for work use, no "Dear Diary" entries - which is what this has been..(but for a purpose - reflective journal) .I get the difference between a "family and friends" blog, and one for class/school use.  Ditto for my Twitter account (love Twitter - I am  #thespreadingoak)  Don't think the fact that I follow Wine Harlots is appropriate information for school/work...

Well, settling down.  Really busy at school..end of month reports, evaluations, Benchmarks...

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